Flying Saucer Review (FSR)

A Serious Question

By Gordon Creighton

FSR has now been in existence for forty years. During the first half of this period, a number of remarkable claims were made --- and not only by George Adamski but also by a number of other people in various parts of the world --- who said that they had encountered, and sometimes talked with, beings who were "alien", and certainly not from here, but who appeared in all respects to be entirely human, and to be well disposed towards us.

It is of crucial importance for mankind to make every effort to establish, beyond any preadventure, whether those claims were true. Because most of the reports that have come to us over the last decade and more tell a mighty different story indeed. Strange things are happening in our world. And much is coming to light now that it would probably never be wise to propogate amoung the general public, since knowledge of it could not conceivably benefit them in any fashion whatsoever.

We have of course our own theories as to what may be occuring. And on several occasions in recent years we have referred to this aspect of the puzzle, and have asked readers to see whether they cannot find any more close encounter cases "of the nice early kind". So far we have drawn a total blank. Nothing "nice" seems to be making its appearance. We therefore repeat our appeal: please let us have full details of all those wonderful encounters with the "Goodies". Because, by Heavens, it looks as though mankind is going to be in desperate need of solid proof that such gentry exist somewhere --- anywhere --- in the Universe. Even if certain "obstacles" are holding up their operations here very badly at present!

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© Flying Saucer Review Library of Congress copyright FSR Publications, Ltd. 1981. Contributions appearing in this magazine do not necessarily reflect its policy and are published without prejudice.
Gordon Creighton (Editor FSR)

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